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Considering Life; We are Wildflowers

We are Wildflowers

Sow the seeds for a life that gives you equal parts sunshine and rain. The trials of life will water you when you need it the most, you'll hurt and you'll writhe with the pain but it is worth it when the sunshine beams and gleams upon your face. Nurtures you with the good and the bad.

You'll go through the autumn death and the winter pain, you'll sit there in the darkness and think and think. Dark and deep you remain unseen, undisturbed, alone. Come spring you ride through the dirt and adversary, against the weeds and the thorns that try and entrap you, and there's a colour to your cheeks, a golden halo in your eyes. You are a blossom in the dark forest of life, you are bright and you are beautiful. That is until someone picks you and takes you home. They put you on a pedestal, admire your beauty, your brain. They nurture you with kindness, watering you along with the feed that makes you bloom even brighter. But then life continues, days and weeks trickle by, you fade in colour and your eyes aren't so bright. You don't become the first thing they see in the morning, but the thing they'd rather avoid. You wither, your petals falling, your skin shrivelling. then you die. Spiritually. Mentally. You die inside like the fallen leaves in autumn, like the frost that holds the seeds captive until spring. You are dead on the inside, and push through, sowing the seeds all over again

. Repetitive as the seasons ever are.

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